The Vision
Our vision is to partner with a like-minded family to establish a communal homestead within a 30-40 minute drive of Baltimore to serve as a place of sanctuary that welcomes people in, provides spaces for renewal, and sends them out strengthened for their work in the world.
More specifically, we desire to:
- Establish a homestead on 3-20 acres within a 30-40 minute drive of Baltimore, with a mix of wooded and open spaces for large-scale gardening, chickens, hospitality, exploration, and play
- Partner with at least one other family living with us full-time and joining us in service
- Maintain a home that is comfortable and inviting, with shared common areas, plus some private spaces for permanent residents and guests

- Establish spiritual rhythms of abiding in Christ, honoring him in our communal life, and sharing his goodness with the world
- Offer free hospitality for guests to come relax for a night, a week, or more, and invite guests to eat with us and join us in our spiritual rhythms
- Host frequent one-day gatherings for various large and small groups
- Give each permanent resident freedom and support to pursue their individual passions and callings (Ben writing/mentoring, Kristen gardening/cooking, etc)
- Incorporate values of stewardship, service, interdependence, and genuine relational connection into our patterns and rhythms
How You Can Help
We believe this vision cannot be fulfilled without God’s specific intervention, and we want it to be clear to the world that it goes beyond what was possible by our skills or effort.
Please join us in praying that:

- We will be faithful in seeking God’s heart for this project and flexible as he refines the vision
- God will connect us with partners who will join us in creating and maintaining this home, community, and retreat
- God will help us find and acquire the perfect property
- God will abundantly provide the money, materials, and expert help we need to improve the property and generously welcome many guests
- God’s loving presence will be tangible in our community
- God will use this to welcome many people to a life rooted in Jesus and strengthen them to show his love in the world
Let us know if:

- You or someone you know is interested in talking about partnering
- You have any leads on a property that could fit the vision
- You’re interested in helping us develop the community or the property
We’re still deciding on the wisest structure for receiving one-time or recurring donations. If you’d like to give money or time to support this project, please contact us.
Thank you!

We’d love to hear your ideas for how we can use our future space to serve people. Specifically:
- Fun, relaxing, enriching, and generous ways to use or develop the property
- Spiritual rhythms and patterns of communal life to encourage connections with God, one another, and the world around us
- Ways we could use the space, community, and resources to meet practical needs in the Baltimore area